Low cost school uniform - open to all
3 The Courtyard
(Next to Denmark Street Car Park)
Wokingham RG40 2QS
Term Time Opening Hours:
Tuesday 11am-1pm
Thursday 3pm-6pm

Join us for free coffee, children’s play area, arts and crafts and get to know new people and learn new things in a calm and safe space
Every Wednesday 9:30-11:30
Completely free
Everyone welcome!

Baby clothes aged 0-6 months, baby & toddler coats, equipment, toys and much more - all at very low prices. All preloved, all excellent quality.
Open to all!
3 The Courtyard
(Next to Denmark Street Car Park)
Wokingham RG40 2QS
Term Time Opening Hours:
Tuesday 11am-1pm
Thursday 3pm-6pm

Come and read, borrow or keep books. Our Elevate Centre is a haven for reading and playing. All books are free to borrow, keep or swap.
Open to everyone!
Elevate Centre
(Next to Denmark Street Car Park)
Wokingham RG40 2QS
Term Time Opening Hours:
Monday & Friday 10am-12pm

If life is feeling tough, we are here. You can join First Days as a member and benefit from support from our family support team and coaches, as well as access to events, essential items and much more.
To enquire about membership please email referrals@firstdays.net

Specialist advice and workshops from professionals on everything from common parenting challenges to safe sleep to ante/post natal, SEND support and more!
Check back for more information and dates of upcoming workshops